88ball: Developing a site with a flawless user interface

Developing a site with a flawless user interface

Creating An Incredible User Interface is no easy task. Web development is constantly advancing. With changing user needs, Web development companies must stay on top of their game. Here are some easy tips for improving your user interface to "incredible" status. It’s possible; just say a little prayer and try these tips today. Personalization Options You want users to feel like this user interface is truly theirs. Personalization makes users feel at home. Give them options for customization like color theme or background. However, make sure your system is capable of allowing personalization and still performing all of its functions perfectly. There needs to be a balance between the website’s core functionality and the user’s freedom to personalize. For instance, Twitter maintains its cohesiveness while allowing users to upload background photos, change fonts and more. Navigation Tabbed navigation makes navigating a website simpler and easier. This gives a sense of organization to the website, while allowing users control with filing and folder options. Enabling keyboard shortcuts to the user interface also makes it more usable. Make sure to integrate these keyboard shortcuts so that the workflow of users is not interrupted. As applications and Web development move more toward responsive and highly interactive user interfaces, you want your interface to respond to particular needs to each individual user. Keyboard shortcuts are an easy way of creating a responsive site. Keep Your Users Informed Communication is key to a creating an incredible user interface. Make sure your interface highlights any important changes. Users need to be aware of the system’s changing status quo. You don’t want users who are used to doing things one way to be confused when suddenly everything shifts due to changes in Web development trends. It doesn’t hurt to send explanatory messages or have occasional popups explaining recent changes. Just don’t berate users with endless information. Also, try to introduce changes to the interface gradually, so it is almost not noticeable. This makes the alterations more adaptable for users.

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