88ball: Position your video first page results on Youtube & Google

Position your video first page results on Youtube & Google

It seems that this week has given SEO fiver ... I see SEO in the soup ... today I called SEO my neighbor Leo, so imagine, hehehe ... The issue today is related to an idea I've already tried: use the authority of certain Google sites to position in which we would be unable (or would cost sweat and tears) to position our own site or online store sales. This technique is ideal if you have a sales site with little authority, few inbound links or very recent (like mine: cool :). The goal is to increase sales or traffic conversions on Youtube (and possibly Google).

And I taught the trick using Yahoo Answers, and now I'm going to teach with videos on Youtube (is the technique used by the greats of Online Marketing  for customers in their online stores). Basically Youtube will be a gateway to send our site to people interested in a specific topic, and we give a damn that our site is in limbo in search results because our Youtube video will be up there and from there will capture visitors .

Disclaimer. This process I recommend for people who have websites with some sort of monetization than Adsense. I find it too much work to get customers with this technique to only have Adsense as a monetization on your site. It is an ideal way to attract customers to an online store or to attract customers to buy a product of which we are members (or other lucrative monetization) technique. If you carry out properly you can get hundreds or thousands of customers who captaréis Youtube and earn a lot, a lot of money.

Exemplifying our "ruse" YouTuber

I imagine that, as I am very original and creative, think an online SpongeBob products (there is not one, hears cool :). If I try decent position keywords in Google spongebob I assure you that I will lose months and months with unpleasant results. Since I'm a bastard I will use the easiest way. SpongeBob SquarePants is a cartoon series, and can attract thousands of visitors up to Youtube episodes. Is not it logical? Thousands of children will see videos and ask their daddies items Bob (and I'll be there to sell them: cool :). We just need to form a clear and concise strategy and start working on it. You can adapt this tutorial to any online business that already may have (look for ways to adapt video content for your subject) or you can create a specific online business oriented Youtube. Example? Create a YouTube channel videos online fashion store for fashionable clothes.

Creating Youtube channel and uploading videos

We created a YouTube channel containing the keywords you want to position. We spend some time in positioning using images of the subject to be attractive and get subscriptions. We leave the link to our site in the profile (in the box to be displayed in the lower right corner of the header) and the description and title try not to be very spammers. An example:

Title: Unofficial Channel SpongeBob

Description: Welcome to the unofficial channel SpongeBob, you will find all episodes of fantasy SpongeBob and his friends Patrick and Squidward. Do not miss the last chapters, subscribe now! You can also use our discount coupon to buy any items from SpongeBob www.midominio.com

Once you have customized my Youtube channel, I begin to unburden the latest episodes of SpongeBob (there are thousands of ways to find them).

Now the ideal is to modify each video before uploading and add a brief image that advertises our online store products SpongeBob, and it is between the end of the header of the series (He lives in a pineapple under the maaaar ...) and beginning of the episode. We also added the same publicity at the end of the episode, before they start lending.

Now we just go up the videos to Youtube. I recommend upload one every 3-4 days. In each video annotations add 2-3 spread like "Use your coupon and discount products SpongeBob" and uncapped strategically important chapter content located. This entry sends the user to the main page where the link to our website is, and also prompts the user to purchase products from SpongeBob (because we are offering a discount coupon). The visitors come to our channel and see a picture like this. Eye, I've done in 5 minutes Paint, do not complain! Logically you should work it with Photoshop and be professional and appealing, but basically we have to climb a header that invite the user to click on our URL:


In the video description is the most valuable part. It should be a long text and original content (about 250 words). The keyword and variants should appear 7-8 times and especially in the first line of text. In the second line of text we will leave the link to our website to be visible without using the deployment option. The labels will use keywords and words that closely look on Youtube regarding this theme (episodes, chapters, in Spanish, Latin audio, 2013, etc).

It would be a trompe-bobos if I tell you it is all done. If you think that only with this, YouTube videos on the first page of Google search results, you're more lost than a hijop ** a on Father's Day. Especially in a subject with competition as SpongeBob, now we need a strong social work positioning to highlight our videos on others. Not only do we position ourselves in the top of search results from Youtube, also want to be the first in Google. Let's see what we have to do.

Place a Youtube video easily

This is the part I like. We have optimized our sales and channel with a nice interface. We have our full episodes videos optimized, with long descriptions, link to our website and annotations from time to time. What we have is the presence on Youtube, and visualizations. If you look, there are Youtube episodes of SpongeBob in Spanish with over 2 million views. Imagine that only 0.1% of those visitors who have seen the video would buy an article in our online store ... (take out the calculator) ... Yes, 2,000 sales. If we get an average net profit of $ 15 with every product sold ... $ 30,000  Now we need to achieve those visits give a boost to our video. How will we do it…?

We need to use this trick to get hundreds of free social actions. The method explained in this article uses a script to get thousands of AddmeFast points and exchange them for social actions in many different social networks. Well, we run the script to get several thousand points, and then we will exchange by: Youtube Video Likes (likes to Youtube videos) and YouTube Favorites (mark a video as a favorite). Secondarily we can also choose the social action of visits to see the video (Youtube Views) and subscription (Youtube Subscribe) to be gaining subscribers to our Youtube channel and take us into account. Complementing we can publish it on Google Plus, in various Facebook fan pages, send likes from Facebook, etc. I start I recommend spending about 2,000 points on each video (with CPC 2 to 6, how much more, faster conseguis), and gradually increase if no conseguis results.

What we achieve with this? If our Youtube video has many likes and many users mark it as a favorite, Youtube say: Hey, wait a minute, this video has very good reviews, we must give the position it deserves. The positive social burden that we are generating more positive social burden that will generate real users (everyone likes SpongeBob) will make the video soon importance copper. How many likes, visits and give each video favorite? As many as necessary to upload the video fast the first page of results on Youtube for your keyword. Once you have a good position in Youtube you may already have gotten a decent position in Google, and if you have not done can settle traffic will come to you from Youtube or fight for a position on Google ( it is possible and one day I will speak it up ).

that's it for today if you like this article please comment
thanks you people are awesome. (◕‿◕)


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