|1| Coffee in normal quantities is a very healthy drink. VERY. It's full of antioxidants and the caffeine acts as a cognitive and physical enhancer. This in turn prevents diseases like depression and Alzheimer's. It also helps burning fat. However, this happens when you're not tolerant to caffeine. A lot of people tend to drink so much coffee all the time that caffeine stops doing it's effects.
In terms of the bad stuff... If you're not used to drink it, it might give you jitters and make you anxious. But with a wise coffee consumption, you'll have no problem. Different people react differently. See for yourself how it goes and adapt.
Also, if you have heart problems or blood pressure issues.. don't suddenly over-consume it. But if you make sure to go slow, you won't have any problem.
|2| Then there's me. I currently don't drink a lot of coffee, but I do indulge once in a while in a latte/cappuccino or a Frap, which is always shared. However, when I lived in Korea, home to the land of amazing independent (and cute) coffee shops, I drank coffee on a near daily basis, ranging from Ameri
canos to cappuccinos. Sometimes, I even had two of them. This is in addition to the instant coffee mixes Koreans love, which I normally drank after lunch. I didn't notice too much of a difference until one day, I didn't drink my usual cup of caffeine. I was practicing for my taekwondo class and while holding a form, I noticed that my arms were shaking. Uncontrollably. I also felt a little jittery and "off". It was a sign: too much coffee. My body was becoming addicted. I immediately stopped and limited myself to one a day - at the most. I also started delving into non-coffee-based drinks offered at these coffee shops.|3| Depends on the type of coffee "drink." Coffees like frappes, lattes, and macchiatos have a lot of sugar. This can be unhealthy for diabetics and for people trying to lose/maintain weight. Of course, having sugary coffee drinks can be included in these peoples' diets occasionally, but having them everyday may be a bad idea. These types of drinks maybe okay for people who are highly sensitive to caffeine because the milk/creamer included in frappes, lattes, and macchiatos displace the amount of actual coffee. Straight coffee, espressos, and cappuccinos are a concentrated source of caffeine. Caffeine in excess can cause tremors, restlessness, anxiety, sweating, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, dizziness, and even cardiac arrest. Of course, caffeine sensitivity is highly individual, so listen to your body. For me, I can drink a ton of coffee and not feel hyper, however I do start feeling nauseous and I start vomiting if I drink to much caffeine. It also can cause heartburn, diarrhea, and stain your teeth. It can be expensive too, if you buy drinks at places like Starbucks.
|4| The latest research has not only confirmed that moderate coffee consumption doesn’t cause harm, it’s also uncovered possible benefits. Studies show that the risk for type 2 diabetes is lower among regular coffee drinkers than among those who don’t drink it. Also, coffee may reduce the risk of developing gallstones, discourage the development of colon cancer, improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of liver damage in people at high risk for liver disease, and reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Coffee has also been shown to improve endurance performance in long-duration physical activities.
For those who drink coffee to stay alert, new research suggests that you’ll stay more alert, particularly if you are fighting sleep deprivation, if you spread your coffee consumption over the course of the day. For instance, if you usually drink 16 ounces in the morning, try consuming a 2-3 ounce serving every hour or so. Again, moderation is the key.
I think many people underestimate the actual health hazards of coffee.
I used to drink a cup of coffee with a little milk and organic sugar before my rough workouts or sports. It truly improved my performance, especially in flexibility!
...until... I noticed myself becoming extremely sick after drinking it.
In the beginning, I did not care though. I was fully ignoring my bodies warning signs that I needed to quit drinking it. I remember the last time I drank it, I was at the gym, my whole body became extremely shakey, I was severely nauseous, and almost passed out, right there in the gym. I was a sight for sore eyes at that moment, let me tell you.
Some people's bodies can handle great amounts caffeine and are not affected by it, but some people, especially, those of Hispanic/latina or Indian decent (like me) who are prone to diabetes, can not process it. I was warned that I could get diabetes if I continued to drink it, even though I only drank one cup after a good solid meal.
So if you notice yourself becoming sick after drinking it, Listen to your bodies warning signs and don't drink it.
|6| Coffee is acidic. As in a PH lower than 7. Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant that irritates the digestive tract. Organic coffee is less acidic. Decaf is more acidic even if it's organic. Stimulants can cause cardiovascular health issues. Also Crohn's and Colitis is heavily irritated from
|7| Coffee has caffeine,and it can make your brain excessively exciting that causes insomnia or nervousness if you drink more.
- It will worsen high bleed pressure.
- It have a bad influence on absorbing calcium if you were a middle-aged woman.
- It will worsen your stomach symptom
- A negative influence on your nervous system.
- Just keep it in a balance.
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